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Polycarbonates are tinted to reduce solar glare and heat buildup. They can deflect sun rays thereby reducing the overall heat gain by over 50%.

Moreover, some tints also offer additional protection to the polycarbonate panels. Essentially, these are some of the main reasons why tinted polycarbonate panels have become very popular in the recent past in quite a number of applications.

Why are tinted polycarbonate panels becoming a common trend?

This is due to the tons of advantages this procedure is associated with.

Some of these important features include:

As the energy from the sun passes through polycarbonate panels which have not been tinted, the temperature of the interior tend to increase rapidly.

This makes the environment very uncomfortable. The tinted polycarbonate panels trap this heat thereby reducing the amount of heat.

However, tinting alone may not be enough; the surface of polycarbonates should be designed to enhance diffusion of light.

This process is carried out by texturing the surface. The tints can be non-reflective or high/low reflective. They can improve the performance of these sheets by stopping between 60% and 70% of solar energy.

Aesthetic value

A colorless or transparent polycarbonate panel can be very boring.

Using tints with intricate and beautiful designs can improve the overall appearance of the polycarbonate surface. The colored tints such as blue, red or yellow tints are commonly used in these applications.


When a polycarbonate transmits over 88% of the suns visible light, then, it implies that one can easily see through the panel.

The tinted polycarbonate panels can reduce the light which is being transmitted through the panel by over 40%. This incredibly good for people who would wish to achieve a certain degree of privacy.

Tint can be used instead of other polycarbonate manufacturing techniques such as texturing the surface which reduces visibility.


Even though polycarbonates are known for their high impact strength, tinting their surface also provides an additional strength making them durable.

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